Big Fish, The- Sometimes 'big
codfish'. The leader in the forecastle.
Boatswain-Pronounced Bosun - An unlicensed officer in charge of the crew, a
straw boss. He is a member of the First Mate's watch and usually takes
charge of deck work while that officer is on watch
Boatswain's Mate - The alternative of the above, a member of the Captain's
or second mate's watch.
Bungs- Nickname, The ship's
Chips - Nickname for the ship's carpenter
Cooper- A barrel & keg maker.
Coxswain- Pronounced Cox'n, the helmsman of a boat having charge (command)
of the boat and crew.
Crumb Bosun - Any boy or poor seaman who was detailed to help the cook or
the steward.
Idler-Any crew member (on a Ship-'o-War) who is on constant Daytime duty,
thus not required to stand a night watch. Sail maker, Carpenter, Cooks,
Landsman- A sailor with no experience or training.
Loblolly Boy- Surgeon's assistant, litter bearer. Usually a position filled
by ship's boys during combat.
Lubber- An unskilled or clumsy person.
Master- Title given to particular positions on a vessel. Appointed by 'The
Admiralty' and equal to Lieutenant in rank but subordinate to a Commissioned
Lieutenant. Once appointed to a ship, Masters stayed with that ship until
de-commissioned or destroyed. Carpenters, Pursers, Gunners, and
Sailing-Masters are particular to the title.
Master's-Mate- Assistants to a particular Master.
Midshipman- Originally a senior petty offer. In 1677, became a training
position for future officers. Officer candidates had to serve a minimum of
one year as a midshipman.
Purser- One of the Master ratings of a ship. In charge of purchase and
distribution of food, clothing and general supplies.
Quartermaster- Similar to a Bosun's mate on Royal Navy vessels. On a Pirate
ship, Quartermaster is second in command and acts as the liaison between the
Captain and crew.